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pantera x790 "restauration"

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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by silence86 Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:49 pm


ok,i did some cleaning work,brought the bridge and the saddles to a painter and polished the body.
Now I will have to clean the fretboard...already tried it with lemon-oil,but as there is too much dirt on the fretboard i will have to use some steel wool (any other tips? :-) ).I'll also have to polish the frets (actually it needs new frets,but this will have to wait until next year).

My second problem are the spots directly below the machine heads...somehow the top layer of lacque came out in blisters (the blisters aren't there anymore,just the spots where they were)(it looks like the strings were tightened to much over a quite long period of time.could you advice me anything?perhabs just take lacquer and a brush and paint these spots?if thats the case,do you know which lacquer i schould use?

Perhaps you also have an advice for me how to clean the cloth in the hard case?...perhaps with carpet foam?
Many thanks for every advice you can give.

best wishes
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Location : Kaiserslautern,Germany
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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty Re: pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by Guest Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:22 pm

Hi Hans, Smile

Somewhere in these forums, there is a post telling you how to clean the fret board (I think)(?). If not, I find the best way to clean all the grunge off is to use a soap filled scouring pad (Brillo), the type that is used to clean pans with!
It is made from very fine wire wool filled with soap and the method that I use is to slightly dampen the pad, not so that it is sopping though, and clean the whole fretboard with it, including the frets. Rinse off all the soap and muck with a clean damp cloth and dry thoroughly. When everything is clean and dry, apply the Lem-oil as instructed on the bottle! Hey presto! Clean fret board and shiny frets! The pad is gentle enough so not to harm the wood and it works a treat!

The pitting (the spots that you mention) on the machine heads can be touched in with a chrome coloured enamel paint (Humbrol) and then to prevent any further corrosion, spray the whole lot with a clear lacquer - car paint is perfect for that!

Yep, clean the inside of the case with an upholstery dry foam cleaner and if you have a little hand held vacuum cleaner, hoover it thoroughly as recommended on the can of cleaner. Tip: If the outside of the case is looking a bit scuffed or dirty, clean it with a mild solution of warm soapy water, dry thoroughly and touch up any scuffs with some wax shoe polish! (Make sure to buff it up afterwards though!)

Hope this helps!

Happy Christmas,

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty Re: pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by corsair Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:23 pm

As always, get the 'good oil" - pun intended!! - from Aunt Polly!! Laughing You're a bottler, kid!
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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty Re: pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by silence86 Thu Dec 25, 2008 4:20 am

thanks for your help, even at are just the best cheers !!!

i guess i didn't describe my problem "with the machine heads"
enough.The blisters i mentioned are right below the machine heads on
the headstock (the clear lacque layer on the wood isn't there
anymore,the black lacque is still there)...i will post a picture as
soon as i get home again (just visitting some relatives over christmas).

happy christmas for everyone

Last edited by silence86 on Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : problems with picture)
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Location : Kaiserslautern,Germany
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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty Re: pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by silence86 Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:18 pm

here a picture(had problems editing my last post)...
Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Image_11
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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty Re: pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by corsair Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:17 pm

You're gonna have to take the machines out, mask the neck and then lightly sand the hedstock for a new coat of whatever lacquer won't react with the underlying paint; there's plenty of folk in here who know what to use. Gives you the chance to clean the corroded bits of the machine heads with light rubbing with a toothbrush - your wifes!! - steel wool or similar. You could even get the paint matched, get a spray bomb made and repaint the headstock as well for a deeper finish....

Alternatively, if the guitar plays OK and looks good from all but the pokiest eyes, don't do anything!! However, the corrosion and the paint/lacquer wear will only get worse - albeit quite slowly!! - particularly if you gig it a lot.
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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty Re: pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by Guest Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:13 pm

corsair wrote: ...Alternatively, if the guitar plays OK and looks good from all but the pokiest eyes, don't do anything!!

Hi Hans, Smile

Glad to have been of help and yes, I have to agree with John there too.
Very Happy

However, you could always touch it in with a good quality clear lacquer (the stuff used on cars). You can buy little bottles that have a brush built into the lid and the method to use with that is to drip it off the brush into where the old lacquer has peeled, leave it to dry and then carefully sand it smooth using fine grit wet and dry.

Another handy tip for you: To avoid any excess lacquer running down inside the holes where the machine heads sit, use some cheap foam earplugs to bung up the holes. They squash quite nicely into the holes and any excess is then absorbed into the foam which saves a lot of cleaning up afterwards. I have used them with great success when I sprayed the neck on my Genesis II and also when I have used paintstripper on painted necks.
(They don't work too good when I use them in my ears to block out Stephen's snoring though!) lol! lol!

I would recommend that you treat the machine heads as well, to avoid any further corrosion.

Keep us posted!

:flower: :queen:

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Pantera - pantera x790 "restauration" Empty Re: pantera x790 "restauration"

Post by silence86 Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:24 am


i have to admitt that i have no idea how it plays...the bass was in a
condition that i said:ok,i don't wanna hear it until it is repaired and
i can play with all 4 strings^^...

hm,someday it will need a full paintjob (just to many dings and
scratches(nothing serious but so many)...)...but for the moment i plan
to repair it in a way the condition won't get worse(includes the
headstock and the machine heads (will hopefully get 2 machineheads from david next
week).I know someone to lacquer the bass (he will lacquer the magna
cast bridge for me ?next week?),and grinding the old lacquer off
shouldn't be the problem...but I think getting the headstock logo (is
it an inlay?it looks a little bit like that) and the pantera logo on
the bass is quite difficult.That,together with the costs for painting
are the reasons why i think i will just reapir the headstock and the
technical respectively electronical parts (for now).Then i will gig the bass a bit and see if it will get a full paintjob in 1 or 2 years.

Polly,won't the laquer get beamless if i grind it (even with fine gritand water) after lacquering?

so many thanks for your help :-)

best wishes
Senior Member

Number of posts : 502
Age : 38
Location : Kaiserslautern,Germany
Registration date : 2008-11-13

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