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Westone Rainbow 2 gold tone control knobs?

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westone - Westone Rainbow 2 gold tone control knobs? Empty Westone Rainbow 2 gold tone control knobs?

Post by peterscott Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:28 am

Am restoring Westone Rainbow 2 and need a couple of the speed knobs which have 5-0-5 scales on them.

Any steers greatly appreciated

Westone Nut

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westone - Westone Rainbow 2 gold tone control knobs? Empty Re: Westone Rainbow 2 gold tone control knobs?

Post by Westbone Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:20 pm

You will be extremely lucky to find those.

I've never seen them on anything but a Westone and beleive me I've looked. cyclopscyclops
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