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Wanted Westone Pantera X350MA (Pantera Deluxe) X390MA

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Pantera - Wanted Westone Pantera X350MA (Pantera Deluxe) X390MA Empty Wanted Westone Pantera X350MA (Pantera Deluxe) X390MA

Post by Crambone Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:23 pm

Wanted Westone Pantera X-350MA (Pantera Deluxe) X-390MA

Single volume and tone controls, 3 way pickup switch.
The Pantera logo is inlaid on the fretboard between the 23rd and 24th frets.

X390MA Flamed Maple finish like the X350MA with a Bendmaster Deluxe tremolo.

Please PM me if you have one that you would like to sell.

Pantera - Wanted Westone Pantera X350MA (Pantera Deluxe) X390MA Weston10
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 53
Age : 63
Location : Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Registration date : 2008-07-18

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