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What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!!

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What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!! Empty What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!!

Post by Sollophonic Wed May 30, 2012 6:00 pm

Just seen this on UK Ebay.
A bit of a project, looks like someone has tried to turn it into a bass or a bodged baritone. Rolling Eyes

Rescue-able though Wink

Might have a punt on this one myself
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What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!! Empty Re: What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!!

Post by Guest Wed May 30, 2012 7:01 pm

If the bridge placement was done correctly, I would love to hear it

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What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!! Empty Re: What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!!

Post by Thunder-Chunder Thu May 31, 2012 3:38 am

Is the neck original as it looks to have rectangle inlays rather than dots or were they changed at some point.
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What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!! Empty Re: What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!!

Post by bowenjaybee Thu May 31, 2012 3:56 am

That looks to me like a modified Thunder III Cool
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What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!! Empty Re: What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!!

Post by Thunder-Chunder Thu May 31, 2012 5:05 am

Yep you’re quite right, I must start wearing my glasses more often Embarassed
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What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!! Empty Re: What has someone done to this Westone Thunder?????!!!!

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