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Trade: concord II in blue (or maybe even red) Hagstrom Viking

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concord - Trade: concord II in blue (or maybe even red) Hagstrom Viking Empty Trade: concord II in blue (or maybe even red) Hagstrom Viking

Post by Pol Paz Wed May 16, 2012 9:03 pm

Hi there!

I have a Hagstrom viking sitting in its case since 2009. I bought it second hand in San Francisco and brought it back with me to London (United Kingdom)

I love the looks of it and the action, but the guitar is not made for me and I don't find any reason why I should keep it, apart from the fact that the guitarist in my band really likes it and he'll be sad if the guitar is gone...but...well...want a Concord, a blue one!
I fell in love with that guitar when i first saw it two months ago and can't find it ANYWHERE!!!

So, if you're interested in a guitar like this one (Check for the RED one. I haven't got a good picture of my guitar but its that one.)

And if by coincidence you happen to have a spare Concord, please feel free to contact me!
Pol Paz
Registered Member

Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2012-05-08

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