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Hey Corsair look at what I found... your long awaited Lady Electra

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Corsair - Hey Corsair look at what I found... your long awaited Lady Electra Empty Hey Corsair look at what I found... your long awaited Lady Electra

Post by mortarman120gang11c Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:30 pm
Well Corsair I just had to post this here as well as the Electra pages as I know you like the Lady models. Price is questionable but it may be worth an offer. Is all original with trem bar and OHSC. These are very rare and I believe less than 100 were made. I have one and I love it. Looks strange but is actually very comfortable to play and fits well standing or sitting. Also plays and sounds great. Uniwue to say the least and if you are a pointy fan you will like it. Good Luck
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Corsair - Hey Corsair look at what I found... your long awaited Lady Electra Empty Re: Hey Corsair look at what I found... your long awaited Lady Electra

Post by corsair Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:55 pm

Thanks, Arthur... That's getting a bit pricey, even with the high Aussie dollar, but I'll keep an eye on it, eh! Who've we got in here close to Covington, Kentucky?! Laughing
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