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Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white

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Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white Empty Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white

Post by acidmatt Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:55 pm

Hi, I have had for many years my beloved Westone Spectrum GT Bass in pearl white. I was wondering if anyone out there had ever heard of it being made in this colour as I can't find it on any website and was wondering if it was a one off? I am pretty sure its the original colour as it has a few chips on the bottom (from some boozy late night jams). It has all the usual pick-ups and spec as either the black/red version. If someone knows anything I would really appreciate some answers. Many thanks. Matt
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Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white Empty Re: Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white

Post by hobster Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:09 pm

Hey Matt, looks like you might have a unique one or else its been refinished real well. The red and black ones are the only ones listed in the catalog. I'd check the cavaties or under the pickups and there might be traces of the original color somewhere. Then again, i wouldn't be suprised if it was original, i know odd colors pop up now and then. Info in case you haven't seen it yet:
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Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white Empty Re: Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white

Post by jim Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:45 pm

Like hobster said.
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Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white Empty Re: Westone Spectrum GT bass in pearl white

Post by acidmatt Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:34 am

Thanks for the info guys, I'm gonna go and open the back and maybe lift a pick-up and just check. I'll try to get a picture up on here for you to see. I doubt the control knobs are original though as they are white/glow in the dark and doubt that Westone fitted that type to any of their basses lol. Cheers.
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