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WTB: Westone Paduak I or II

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WTB:  Westone Paduak I or II Empty WTB: Westone Paduak I or II

Post by scottlwilson Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:52 pm


I'm interested in a Paduak in good overall condition.

Please contact me directly at scottlwilson at live dot com.



Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2012-04-24

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WTB:  Westone Paduak I or II Empty Re: WTB: Westone Paduak I or II

Post by gittarasaurus Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:16 pm

you have good timing, one just appeared on ebay.

guitar is located in Northport NY, auction closes on 4/30, as of today there are 4 bids and it sits at $310.

first paduak on ebay in quite a while, and it looks pretty good. original brass knobs and bridge, original pickup, and westone hard case too!

paduak I
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Location : San Francisco, CA
Registration date : 2011-05-25

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