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Seized Truss Rod Nut

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Seized Truss Rod Nut Empty Seized Truss Rod Nut

Post by hoax Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:47 pm

Just recently, I have come across two guitars with truss rod nuts which simply would not budge. I tried penetrating fluid to no effect. Now we all know that using a bit of heat can make some very stubborn fixings comply, but how do you do it on a guitar?

Simple - Heat your Allen key on a gas ring for about 5 minutes. Push it in to the adjustment nut and leave it for a couple of minutes. You will feel the heat on the back of the neck. Give it a sharp twist and the nut will move. No damage and problem solved!

For some reason, you can hold the Allen key as soon as it comes off the gas ring, but after it has been on the guitar for a couple of minutes, the holding end becomes a bit too hot to handle.

In the past, I have used stud extractors, but this little trick will not damage anything.

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Seized Truss Rod Nut Empty Re: Seized Truss Rod Nut

Post by Barry Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:21 pm

Good tip Graham! Seized Truss Rod Nut Thumb_up

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Seized Truss Rod Nut Empty Re: Seized Truss Rod Nut

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:35 pm

Excellent!, beats using the soldering iron....power cable never is long enough
Sgt. Vimes
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