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The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $

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The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $ Empty The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $

Post by The Chad Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:46 am

Clicky this link: Black/white burst Spectrum

This is the one that sold on Ebay last month for $150, I think. This time around it's going for $300! The guy did pay shipping and intonate it and all, so maybe it's worth $225 now, but still. Anyone interested it looks pretty cool.
The Chad
The Chad
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The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $ Empty Re: The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $

Post by Westbone Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:10 am

Looks like a ghost of a guitar, spooky.

Got a nice split down the front Suspect
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The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $ Empty Re: The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $

Post by westcoaster Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:12 pm

That is just beautiful and I don't usually like pointy headstock guitars.
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The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $ Empty Re: The black/white burst Spectrum reappears for even more $

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