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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by drsyn67 Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:58 pm

I am considering purchasing a Thunder I-T. Would like to hear from present owners of this model and what they think of them. The model that I am considering is offered for $150 and is identical to the photo of the red example on the website. Your input is appreciated!
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by corsair Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:36 pm

$150?! just go and buy the bloody thing!!

It'll be fine.....
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:12 am

here's an offer you can't pass up.

go buy the guitar and try it out for as long as you need to.
and if you are not completely thrilled with it, (yeah right! aaaahahahaaaa)
then you can get your money back by selling it to me! there ya go. no risk. no joke.

i loves me some thunder geetars, yeah boy! i can't hardly think of a reason why i would not buy one if i saw it in a shop ... ... ... nope got nothing .... i'd go for it in about 2 seconds, about as long as it takes to say to myself, do i have my wallet?
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by drsyn67 Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:36 am

You two are a bad influence - but am I thankful for your offer Mike. I was afraid after you had to do wiring on that blue one that you'd regret having it.... it was a gorgeous beast that I kinda regretted seeing go, but I expected that might be more to it than just trading out the neck. Throw in that I didn't want to risk the funds on a fix-er-up... Since then, I have landed a new work contract that is yielding barrels full of money, so the GAS syndrome could get worse. So, I'll post photos once I have it... waiting to hear back from the seller (geez I' a sucker for a red guitar!)
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by PaulS Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:50 am

I have a black one and it is really nice. Extremely versatile, good range of tones, plays brilliantly.
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by Iceman Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:18 pm

No Thunder here but I am no longer in need of one since my Skylarks are thought of by some as similar enough to suffice.

I have never heard a bad word about them. As with the Spectrum (and earlier Electra Phoenix) line the 3 things repeated repeatedly are versatile, playable, bullet-proof.

And $150?!? There is no excuse, really... Twisted Evil

Plus there is Mike's 100% money-back guarantee! It's a Win-Win-Win !!! cheers
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by Sgt. Vimes Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:43 pm

is it like this one? ------>

Very Happy
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by Sgt. Vimes Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:46 pm

Seriously, go buy that beast, you'll love it, I never play with a trem so I screwed my tremclaw screws in tight...muffled the springs and boy does it sing/howl/ it!
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by drsyn67 Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:13 pm

Yes, EXACTLY like that Sgt. Vimes... waiting to hear back from the seller.
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by Barry Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:12 pm

Buy it!
Play it!
Be a happy guy! Wink

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

Post by drsyn67 Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:34 pm

UPDATE: Talked to the seller two weeks ago. He's a few hours away... and "doesn't want to drive across town to ship it at the post office"... Geez, really... it IS a small town, at that. He did say he's check with shipping it out of his local office supply store that has a UPS pickup, but after repeated attempts at following-up, I'm beginning to think he's not willing to do it. I offered to pay everything up-front, too. Very weird.

So, per my post earlier on a separate (new) topic... this ones got me thinking a healthy four-hr drive (one way!) may be in order. Or maybe I'll go on a pawncrawl (alright, I coined that one!) and see what i can find. Florida has more pawn shops than any other state in the U.S. - lots of hidden gems to be found if you don't mind smellin like a bowling alley after going in a few.
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Any THUNDER I-T owners out there???  Please step forward  (like Ice said before) Empty Re: Any THUNDER I-T owners out there??? Please step forward (like Ice said before)

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