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Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70

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Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70 Empty Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70

Post by beavis Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:14 am

Sorry for the title, I have been spending too much time on ebay.

There is this sweet Westone X70 on

The bid started at 1€ but has gone up a bit since. I am still hesitating as the postage costs are ok. But will wait to see how much more the price goes up as I have already bought 4 guitars in the last year.

Have had trouble finding info on the X70. Looks "entry level" (by Westone standards) but must of course be a very fine player (despite the unpopular UBC pup).

I must admit I really appreciate it when auctions start at 1 € and the seller does not try to whip up the bids by false/generic superlatives on the item, so kudos to this ebayer.
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Number of posts : 385
Registration date : 2011-01-19

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Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70 Empty Westone in Germany

Post by Micro Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:58 am

Hi Guys

Here is a translation for you all - It comes from Google translate. But you get the drift!!!
Westone X 70, made in Japan, from the 80s

- One-piece neck, threaded, 65 mm scale length, frets plenty of 90%, good string action, graphite nut?

- Strings from behind through the body (a la tele - good sustain)

- Electric: 1 single coil, 1 humbucker, 3 - way switch, 1 V-Pot, 1 T-pot (push pull), which splits the humbuckers,

in terms of sound quite variable

- Condition: up to Plektrumkratzer near neck-TA (Photo 6) for about 30 years very good condition, few dings u.Dongs, no rips or breaks

- Very good japan.Wertarbeit, with many of today's `` quality `` Far East products are not comparable

- Weight about 3 kg, protects the stricken guitarist back

- The sticker is easily removable

Private sale. Warranty, guarantee, conversion, redemption, cancellation excluded.

The bidder agrees that its bid expressly agrees to this settlement.

- Shipping Germany € 6.90 EU: € 22,00

IN OUR OWN: My last and unfortunately the first negative assessment is based on the fact that some days I

was after a sale a week vacation abroad and therefore the buyer inquiry regarding a shipping damage

to a power supply could not answer. Sorry, tough luck! So - pick up welcome!

Hope this helps
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 37
Age : 73
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Registration date : 2011-12-13

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Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70 Empty Re: Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70

Post by beavis Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:50 am

Oh right, haha forgot to offer a translation pig
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Number of posts : 385
Registration date : 2011-01-19

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Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70 Empty Re: Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70

Post by corsair Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:57 am

It's a Spectrum; you can't go wrong!! Someone get it!!
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Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70 Empty Re: Incredibly rare/perfect condition - mint/vintage/Blahblah WESTONE X70

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