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Pantera 5-string tuning

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Pantera - Pantera 5-string tuning Empty Pantera 5-string tuning

Post by Warrn Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:58 am

So I was looking at the 1986 Pantera catalogue and noticed that, for the 5-string, they included two nuts so you could choose between a low D or a high B. Now, wait, how do either of those make any sense? I guess I can sort of understand the high B, if you wanted to tune it similar to a guitar, but the low D makes no sense at all. Proper tuning would be a low B or a high C. What gives?

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Pantera - Pantera 5-string tuning Empty Re: Pantera 5-string tuning

Post by corsair Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:53 pm

That's gotta be a typo, eh?! Shocked
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