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Wiring help required

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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Wiring help required

Post by wemfender Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:14 am

Hi All, So I have an Ibanez project that Iam working on ( soon as the parts arrive ) HSH configuration, I plan to put GFS classi II buckers in and a GFS single true coil ( noise free ) with dummy coil attached, I have ordered two Seymour Duncan triple shot rings for the bukers so that takes care of series/parallel . north / south options on both buckers, from the buckers will only be white / black and shield ( black and shield earth together, white being hot to the 5 way selector switch, the true coil has 4 wires plus shield ( red /white/green black and shield same color codes as duncan pickups ) I also will be using 1 volume ( push /pull pot ) and one tone ( push pull pot ), so what I am looking for is a schematic/diagram to wire as follows, 1, full bridge 2, full bridge /middle, 3 middle, 4 middle /full neck, 5 full neck. then with the tone push /pull pot full neck and full bridge together or all together ( may depend on where 5 way switch sits, and with the voulme pot everything single coiled ( eg bukers tapped ). sounds very complicated to me, but surely some guru here may find it easy.
Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.
Cheers Steve. confused
Westone Nut

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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by beavis Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:07 am

Cannot help you in the least, sorry, but will be following this thread closely 👽
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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:41 am

sounds like typical 5-way switch wiring to me
add a push/pull for coil split - easy
add a push/pull for 'all on' - that may be a bit harder with only a push/pull, you are correct, in that it will depend on what position the switch is in.

instead of reinventing the wheel, you could try this

dynasty schematic

this setup will give you all the combinations you mentioned.

the dynasty has a second tone pot with a push/pull to reverse phase the bridge pickup, you can leave this out.

i personally like the 3-way switch for the humbuckers with a p/p for the middle pickup. i think it works better than a 5-way. i find the 5-way switch hard to use accurately especially when switching between position 2 and 4 while playing.
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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by wemfender Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:32 am

Well All, tomorrow ( Monday ) will be D day, I should be collecting the pickups and rings from the post office, so all things being equal I will attempt the first stage tomorrow night, ( wiring the set-up as standard Stratocaster ) , after that I will look at wiring one push pull pot for all on, and then look at out of phase for the second push pull, will keep you updated on progress or help required.
Westone Nut

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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by gittarasaurus Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:33 pm

wemfender wrote: I will look at wiring one push pull pot for all on, and then look at out of phase for the second push pull, will keep you updated on progress or help required.

for your push/pulls you will have to figure out what exactly that means in practice. think of how you will use it when you play, to figure out what to switch on/off and what to phase with the push-pulls.

do you want to add one more pickup to position 2 or 4?

do you want to add two pickups to position 1 or 3 or 5?

i think maybe a push pull to make position 3 either; 'normal' or 'add neck and bridge' .

with that setup you can move the 5 way from end to end and the selections and sounds are intuitive and progressive.
there is no big jump in output volume at any position, with the middle being fullest and the ends being the most strongly voiced. or the middle is normal as in typical 5-way switch wiring.

and then there is a phase reverse....

i personally rarely ever play 'middle only' so having position 3 as 'all-on' by using p/p to add neck & bridge, seems like a good option, and easy to wire into a dpdt. and it actually gives you two choices to get there (2->3 or 4->3) so provides even more flexibility to smoothly contour your sound while playing.
i think i'm going to add that into one of my guitars to try it out.
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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by gittarasaurus Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:26 pm

just in case you've never seen this website,
or if you what to look at some options..

try this link

the sixth one down may be something like what you are looking for study
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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by wemfender Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:29 am

Well, I gave it a go last night, and came up with a few problems along the way, on checking the pups out of the box, the neck pup was reading .2k higher than the bridge pup. ( 8.2k and 8.0k respectively ) now the website does say the opposite for these pups, but against my better judgement I went with what the box identified as the neck pup and the other box the bridge pup, I regret that now, No I opted to cut short the pup wires ( for the price if I don't like them its no big loss ) that worked a treat, connected the wires as per instruction, and the readings seemed to be about right, being a HSH configured guitar ( Ibanez exr170 ) the neck pup wires run through the single coil ( middle ) rout area, the height of the holes that the wires pass through from one route to the other were to high, thus not allowing the single coil to seat down in its position, ( this was also the case in the bridge pickup rout, with the neck and middle wires passing through ) so a bit of handy work with the drill saw me stretch the holes the wires pass through to the bottom of the routes and then make a small channel in the bottom to seat the wires in, ( this worked a treat ) so, with no real problems i wired into the tone, volume and 5 way switch with no incident. .22 capacitor and away to go, previously the guitar was strung with 9's guage, now it was having 10's gauge, so an extra spring on the trem /whammy and tunned, powered up into the AC30 layed down some death defying licks, then ! "Quote " I regret that now Embarassed the neck pup was bright, the middle nice, the bridge gorgeous for rythm, so I need to change the neck to the bridge and visa-versa ( so no report at the moment as to if the triple shots are good / bad / indifferent ) it was late , I had lost all patience, and was totaly P#**^d off, after 4 hours of concentration. in the next few days I will switch the pups around and see how it goes, the next step will be to decide what I do with the volume/ push/pull and the tone push/pull pots, a little more into the mix, then I will learn how to play a guitar. cheers
Westone Nut

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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by Barry Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:01 am

wemfender wrote:...on checking the pups out of the box, the neck pup was reading .2k higher than the bridge pup. ( 8.2k and 8.0k respectively ) now the website does say the opposite for these pups, ...
Sounds to me like you have 2 bridge pups there.

The GFS site says the neck should read 7.8 K and the bridge at 8.2K. Realistically though, I don't think a difference of 0.2 K (in your case) or even 0.4K (on the web site) is going to make a hell of a lot of um, difference in the sound. That strikes me as being within winding tolerance.

To all intents and purposes they are the same pup in both positions, which would be consistent with a "classic" installation back in the day. And these are advertised as Classic humbuckers. Chcck your height on the bridge install to optimize the signal strength.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
wiring - Wiring help required Guitar10
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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by wemfender Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:10 am

Thanks, Barry, I will give that a look at ( hopefully ) tonight before I do anything drastic, like change the pups around, I did give it a little whirl last night and to be fair considering I had not set up the pickup heights, intonation , action etc, I was reasonably pleased with the sound all things considered, not hearing to much of a difference on any of the parallel/series/north/south splits though, like you say Barry, when things are adjusted ( pickup heights ) it could make the difference, I did also read on one site, not to expect a ground moving difference with pups having low outputs, the real difference is noticable on high output pickups. I will keep everyone updated on the progress as we go, ( one thing for sure, I liked the sound better already, than I did with the stock infinity pickups, they were way to heavy and harsh for me with 12.5k in the neck and 16.5k in the bridge )
Cheers Steve
Westone Nut

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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by wemfender Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:21 pm

Give myself a big pat on the back, tried the pickup adjustment but realised I would have to try the switch around, neck to bridge and visa versa, about an hour and half later, away we go, very happy, the neck pup sounds like it should, nice and smooth bottom end, mellow mid range and a very subtle / sweet top end, the bridge sounding like i hoped, rich ,tight bottom end, powerful mids and rich top end not to harsh or brittle, so the gfs pups came through again for me, as for the triple shots, the difference between parallel and series is very noticeable, the north and south pups as singles dont sound to much different to each other, maybe one being a touch cleaner/ brighter, for sure with high output buckers it would be even more noticable, the coils split give e very fair representation of a genuine single coil, so all ends up very happy, next will be for the push pull pots to be connected some way or other, definately the buckers together is for one of the pots.
Cheers Steve
Westone Nut

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wiring - Wiring help required Empty Re: Wiring help required

Post by Barry Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:37 pm

Excellent! Happy to hear it.
GFS pups are just a great buy. 'been very happy with my Mean 90's.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
wiring - Wiring help required Guitar10
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