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corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south

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Corsair - corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south Empty corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south

Post by caucajun Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:26 am

not mine. i'm just a vigilant westone scout.
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Corsair - corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south Empty Re: corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south

Post by The Chad Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:32 am

Nice... if I'm the only bidder I can afford it! Finally built up a little money in my GAS tank, unfortunately some of it is in Ebay giftcards so I'm kinda confined to Ebay... Mad
The Chad
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Corsair - corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south Empty Re: corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south

Post by Iceman Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:41 pm

Which one should I be staying away from then, Chad?
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Corsair - corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south Empty Re: corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south

Post by hobster Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:17 am

The Chad wrote:Nice... if I'm the only bidder I can afford it! Finally built up a little money in my GAS tank, unfortunately some of it is in Ebay giftcards so I'm kinda confined to Ebay... Mad

Good luck Chad, hope you win it! She's a purdy blue alright. ❤
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Corsair - corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south Empty Re: corsair, & electra TOM bridge in the deep south

Post by colt933 Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:43 am

Dang, I need an STP! My Rainbow II came with a Bigsby and was missing the STP. I'd like to return it to stock.
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