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rare sighting....thunder II in the US

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rare sighting....thunder II in the US Empty rare sighting....thunder II in the US

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:30 pm

very nice looking Thunder II on ebay with case, set neck w/heel, see-thru red wings.

anybody here lay down that first bid?
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rare sighting....thunder II in the US Empty Re: rare sighting....thunder II in the US

Post by Westbone Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:59 pm

That's a nice guitar, good looking woods.

'82 was the only year they had gold logos.

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rare sighting....thunder II in the US Empty Re: rare sighting....thunder II in the US

Post by hobster Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:29 pm

I like that one alot, very nice grains. She's puuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttyy. Me want! Smile
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