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Parts equivalent or fitting the Spectrum I (restoration)

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Parts equivalent or fitting the Spectrum I (restoration) Empty Parts equivalent or fitting the Spectrum I (restoration)

Post by Yesca_Mescal Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:06 pm

Fan of Westone for some years, new to the forums.

A few years back, I traded some computer parts to a friend for a 1988 Westone (slm) Spectrum I,
which after 3 or so years i`m looking to restoring to "best function" quality. The internet, of course
is not so heavy on what nut spacing/width et cetera fits the bridge and so i`ve come to whom I
suspect are the experts

This is what I have:

-1988 Westone SLM Spectrum I body in white
-the neck, which has no truss rod cover, nut, or locking nut, but has the original Gotoh tuners
- the middle and neck position magnaflux single coils, which are for sale or trade
-1 complete bendmaster FT plate and saddle assembly (sans block) (for sale)
-another bendmaster styled plate with most of the springs and saddles (for sale)

What I need to know in order to buy my parts:

-What size/style nut? Was thinking of a graphite or brass
-any good upgrades for the tuners anyone can recommend?
-What about a Tremolo? The catalog has the original trem being the Bendmaster FT, but mine has the 6 holes drilled in for a fender style trem as well.
which is going to give me better performance? I like the wilkinson 5+1 if I body mount, but if I want to use the floating, which fits?

Since I`m finally joining up and restoring this guitar i`ll be sure to post pics and document the process as I go for anyone interested!

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Parts equivalent or fitting the Spectrum I (restoration) Empty Re: Parts equivalent or fitting the Spectrum I (restoration)

Post by The Chad Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:08 am

I don't know if we can answer all of this for you, but the Gotoh tuners should be fine. Since you're going after funtionality... do you use the trem a lot when you play? If not, go for what's the most stable. Intonation is the trick, as different bridges will create different string lengths hence changing intonation. I'd try to complete your existing bridge, somebody on here may have the part (s) you need. You may need to check StewMac or some place and see what the measurements are for thier nuts. If you're a big whammy player, maybe go with graphite.

I'm a purist in most respects so I don't mess with a lot of this, but maybe somebody else can help you. Anyone? scratch
The Chad
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Parts equivalent or fitting the Spectrum I (restoration) Empty Re: Parts equivalent or fitting the Spectrum I (restoration)

Post by Iceman Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:30 am

Welcome Yesca. Some cursory information here for you on your Spec I model...

My wife has a WE1300cs that is abit more uncommon and later model. That one looks to have a graphite nut. I noticed you posted that the pickups you have are available. Are you not planning on using them?

I suppose your choices will be dictated by your intentions, i.e. stock, 100% resto, modding, etc.

You can also find a great deal of information about the model line, especially it's origins by visiting the Electra forums at the RiverCity Amps site. Research the Phoenix line for origins but some info also existed there about Spectrums as well.

If you are interested in something different for pickups I do have a selection of MMK's that you might think about using. Not period correct to your Speccy, but the lineage connection is there.

Look forward to you posting in the Repairs section on your project. Good luck!
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