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Genesis II pickups and progress

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Genesis II pickups and progress Empty Genesis II pickups and progress

Post by Steve777 Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:56 pm

Hi All,

Still beavering along with the Genesis project. Decided that I will "try" and emulate Platinum Blue burst once the body has been prep'd. Still smoothing out primer at present. The neck has been oiled using Coloron Danish oil and looks and feels good. I'll dress the frets once everything is back together and I can see where the problems are.

The humbucker replacement is still ongoing although I might have found a suitable replacement. I measured the Maganflux V single coils last night and the neck is 7 ohms and the middle 7.5. Working on the principle that bridge pickup is usually hotter than neck, I have found an alnico V humbucker with an indictated 16 ohms suggesting that when coil tapped, the active coil will be about 8 ohms, a .5 increase on the middle pickup.

Although the original bridge pickup wasnt tapped, I do have a spare push pull switch that I will use to replace the std volume control.

John, ( Corsair) do your tone control have inductors on the back of them ( wound coils). I have never seen this before and I am trying work out what they actually do. Have you had chance to measure your Bridge HB or note witch MMK model it is?

Catch up soon

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Genesis II pickups and progress Empty Re: Genesis II pickups and progress

Post by corsair Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:34 pm

To quote a very knowledgeable Westone nut, and my guru!! - "They're inductors, part of the mid/shape circuit. Basically it's resonant filter circuit - just a slightly more sophisticated tone control." (the thread that came from is here...)

Oooh, good luck with the blue burst - keep us posted on that, won't you; I'm dead set interested to see how it's done! I haven't measured the genesis one but I have a Clipper one on the bench at the moment and will measure it for you, but you do realise that it is not a true h'b, it is a pair of magnaflux V's?! I'm going to put an MMK 75 in the the Clipper and therefore may have a spare to flick your way if you're interested?
My controls are not standard, so any info I get off them is to be taken with a grain of salt; I have no push/pull pots and only a 3 way selector switch on mine so it just may be a pre-production model or something similar...
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