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Is everyone asleep at the switch?

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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by Brainfertilizer Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:42 pm

I have to express some shock that a Genesis I in excellent condition, to the point of still having the lock washers, is available on eBay, and no one will even go for the starting price of $190.

I have no connection with the sale.

I'd jump on it if I weren't saving my money for MIK Westones...
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by Barry Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:45 pm

Hey, we doze but never close! Sleep
'Course having some $$$ would be nice... tongue

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Guitar10
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by Iceman Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:47 pm

That Genesis belongs to Sundog, a forum member...... and I'll get to it, don't worry.
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by Brainfertilizer Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:38 pm

We need to either have every Westone owned by a form member, or every Westone owner join the forum.

No other choice.
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by Iceman Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:46 pm

Brainfertilizer wrote:Good.
We need to either have every Westone owned by a form member, or every Westone owner join the forum.

No other choice.


I'm doing my best...
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by caucajun Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:52 pm

I A-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by Iceman Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:18 pm

caucajun wrote:I A-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep

cheers lol! lol!
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by mortarman120gang11c Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:09 pm

I saw it but opted for the Westone Raider 1. It arrived today. Needed new strings, a good cleaning and setup but looks like new now and plays great. Just one little nick on the side of headstock at the B string. This raider is really light and plays great. MMK has volume to spare. Will post pics soon.
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by SunDog Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:33 am

That one is mine - and I was kind of shocked that it didn't sell as well. I thought that my starting price was enough below market value that someone would have snagged it. I think that there were a dozen or so watchers.

Iceman did contact me after the auction - so a deal may be in the works there. I had already re-listed it by then. If there are no bidders by the time that Iceman and I come to an agreement - I will end the auction.

This one needs to be owned, loved and played by one of your guys who can really appreciate it as probably one of the last great instruments to come out of the Mats factory. Aside from the scuffs near the input jack and the missing allen wrench it is immaculate.

Thanks for your interest.

Interesting note on this one. I bought it on ebay, myself from a music shop in Saratoga Springs New York. I lived in Saratoga Springs in the late 80's - and while I was there - I purchased my Pantera X750 bass at some store that was down the interstate a ways in Albany. I would say chances are probaby pretty good that this Genesis was originally sold from that same store. I still have the X750, btw and it still plays great.
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by corsair Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:04 am

Hope this all works out, lads; good luck to all!! I agree... $190 for that is a steal and the only reason I didn't is because I've already got a Gen II! Gotta say, having gigged it twice seriously in place of my tried and true VA900, they are a great rock guitar... really really nice!!
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by SunDog Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:16 am

Iceman came through with an acceptable offer. Packed it up this morning - awaiting the Fed-ex guy (Fed Ex ground ended up being cheaper than parcel post - and a two day transit time).

I maded the mistake of playing the damned thing this morning and it made me sad to be selling. Steve will be getting a good one - and I hope he enjoys it.
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by colt933 Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:59 am

SunDog wrote: (Fed Ex ground ended up being cheaper than parcel post - and a two day transit time).

While I would never send a guitar parcel post - priority mail is far better - fed ex ground is generally superb! Cheap and fast. I sent some guitars to Atlanta and some East cost cities (from Nashville) and they arrived in one day for $20-25 with insurance!

Everyone needs to look at fed ex ground just to see if it beats your current shipping method.
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switch - Is everyone asleep at the switch? Empty Re: Is everyone asleep at the switch?

Post by Iceman Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:07 pm

That is surprising to hear Colt. Danagos sent me his x275 parcel post and it arrived safe, sound and in 4 days time if memory serves.

Glad to have been of service Sundog... I always appreciate them as just a touch sweeter when ebay can be cut out of the loop. Twisted Evil
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