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Locking nut...yeah right

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locking - Locking nut...yeah right Empty Locking nut...yeah right

Post by rebuild Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:23 am

Okay...for all of those who are following along on this so called "locking nut" is where our story is at this point---I talked with the machinist in person (for quite a while) last thursday...he stated "the locking nut would be ready by Friday" (as promised earlier last week) "or Saturday at the latest. Well, it is now Monday morning, worldwide, and I never did receive his call to pick up the nut for a tryout. So hang in there with me guys. I'm kinda' sure he is doing the best he can with my little order.
And FYI about myself...I drive an 18 wheeler Saturday thru Tuesday from SLC to Denver and back and back and back etc. each week for a living. That is the reason I am always late responding to your posts. I do not carry a computer with me. I am not trying to ignore anyone or lead anyone on about these parts I am trying to have duplicated. Please bear with me and thanks for your patience. More later, rebuild.
Westone Nut

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locking - Locking nut...yeah right Empty Re: Locking nut...yeah right

Post by Barry Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:04 am

No worries Rebuild, many of us are busy too so we understand. We appreciate the effort and followup.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
locking - Locking nut...yeah right Guitar10
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locking - Locking nut...yeah right Empty Re: Locking nut...yeah right

Post by The Chad Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:19 am


Alright, I only need two, but I'm ordering 12. Because I'll need them down the road, you know?! Let me know what I owe you, you can private message me or just say right here on the forum, we got nothing to hide. Thanks again!
The Chad
The Chad
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