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RE; string claws and locking nuts

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locking - RE; string claws and locking nuts Empty RE; string claws and locking nuts

Post by rebuild Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:38 pm

Ahem...Hello Forum Members,
In regards to reading some of your requests for parts, I have decided to inquire if I can get these parts made. I am refering to string claws and the thicker type locking nuts for Dimension IV, Dynasty, Spectrum LX and the like. Please know that I am not a supplier. I am just a regular Westone owner like all of you, with the exception of that last September... I had 20 string claws (precision) made out of stainless steel at a local machine shop for the sum of $250.00. The price was rediculous, which is why I never offered to share this info with you all, but the quality is amazing. Therefore, tomorrow (Fri) I will ask this same shop if they can also duplicate the above locking nut without charging for 2 lungs. I know they can do the string claws because they told me these are now stored in their computer for duplication from my previous purchase. I will post their answer tomorrow. Thanks for reading. Bye.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 39
Age : 66
Location : Salt Lake City
Registration date : 2011-01-26

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locking - RE; string claws and locking nuts Empty RE; string claws and locking nuts

Post by fish Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:26 pm

I'd be interested to hear how you get on but in the mean time I came across this on F/book....Armadillo Guitar, F/Book link Very Happy
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locking - RE; string claws and locking nuts Empty Re: RE; string claws and locking nuts

Post by rebuild Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:41 pm

Hey, thanks for sharing that with me. I sorta' figured there were other folks out there whom have tried to get parts duplicated...and it's obviously the cost $$$ that brings everything to a grinding halt. Another problem is-- if an individual can afford to have 10 or 15 locking nuts's hardly enough to share with the Westone world, people will be left out. On the other hand... if a person has 2000 or so made...they might be stuck with 1996 of them for decades if not the rest of their life.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 39
Age : 66
Location : Salt Lake City
Registration date : 2011-01-26

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locking - RE; string claws and locking nuts Empty Re: RE; string claws and locking nuts

Post by corsair Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:44 am

rebuild wrote: On the other hand... if a person has 2000 or so made...they might be stuck with 1996 of them for decades if not the rest of their life.

That was the problem that the bloke who made our defunct Spares ran into; outlaid capital and was left out of pocket in the end.
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locking - RE; string claws and locking nuts Empty Re: RE; string claws and locking nuts

Post by rebuild Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:58 am

Thank you, REALLY, Thank you, corsair for that insight. I sorta' felt like it was something along those lines may have caused our former supplier of parts to stop all of a sudden the way he did. I was fortunate enough to purchase a switchcraft knob from him a few months ago...and then suddenly...Poof...he was gone. What a shame.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 39
Age : 66
Location : Salt Lake City
Registration date : 2011-01-26

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locking - RE; string claws and locking nuts Empty Re: RE; string claws and locking nuts

Post by corsair Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:29 pm

rebuild wrote:Thank you, REALLY, Thank you, corsair for that insight. I sorta' felt like it was something along those lines may have caused our former supplier of parts to stop all of a sudden the way he did.

Cool Yeah... as much as I don't like being the bearer of ill tidings, I reckon you want to go into this with all the info to hand, eh!!

I was fortunate enough to purchase a switchcraft knob from him a few months ago...and then suddenly...Poof...he was gone. What a shame.

Yes.. it was a shame; it wasn't just the Spares thing that got to him though - there were other issues, but it was - and still is - a shame he's gone.
Senior Member

Number of posts : 6354
Age : 65
Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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