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Westone Thunder one - bridge tensioner for the small thin E string - lost!! Help!!

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bridge - Westone Thunder one - bridge tensioner for the small thin E string - lost!! Help!! Empty Westone Thunder one - bridge tensioner for the small thin E string - lost!! Help!!

Post by stevetheheave Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:05 pm

Hi, can anyone help? I've dusted off my guitar after thirty odd years & bought an amp, strings & plectrum etc & noticed that one of the tensioners on the bridge where the strings come in & are anchored is missing, its for the thin E string, they all look the same so anyone would do? I moved so many times that it could be anywhere. Any ideas for a replacement anyone? I'd be verfy grateful for any info helping me to aquire one. Thanks PS After looking around I think its called a saddle? I only need one!!
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Registration date : 2011-06-04

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