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I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city

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I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city Empty I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city

Post by xbarnesx Sun May 29, 2011 4:42 am

super headless - cardiff £350

thunder 1a active - leeds £65

quantum qx850 - bournemouth £300

one day another prestige or a sunburst rainbow or session will turn up on there for me... I hope
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I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city Empty Re: I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city

Post by Westbone Sun May 29, 2011 6:12 am

The super headless looks like it belongs to chaypup on here.
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I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city Empty Re: I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city

Post by chaypup Sun May 29, 2011 8:32 am

It does indeed Westbone! Well spotted! Very Happy
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I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city Empty Re: I went away for a week and gumtree turns into bass city

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