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A hot cup of Thunder lol

The Chad
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by spidey2 Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:27 am

I might be taking this too far lol

thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol 100_4410
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by corsair Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:11 am

Nice one!

(Quick, fellas... run away; this one's quite mad!!)

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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by The Chad Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:08 pm

Nice one!!!

Nothing too far about this at all, people have mugs with cars and characters on them, so why not guitars?! I might do this too, great idea Spidey!

The Chad
The Chad
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty re: a cup of thunder

Post by IanO Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:13 pm

Great idea, I want one
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by Barry Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:20 pm

Love it Gary!
This would make a great addition to the future Shop section of the new WestoneGuitars site, along with DreamRaven's gear.

Think about it...what a great way to start yer day: sippin' coffee in your favourite Westie mug' while wearin' a Dreamraven Westie Tee shirt, and tryin' to strum yer Westie without getting marmalade all over the strings.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Guitar10
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by colt933 Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:32 pm

Straight from my geek heart - two thumbs up!! cheers
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by spidey2 Fri Apr 29, 2011 4:41 pm

Thanks guys I got it done at . I was going to do it at wallmart but i got 2 done of the kids at valentines for the wife and the pics are coming off already but this one looks good nice printing on the cup looks like it will last Very Happy
Westone Nut

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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by Iceman Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:49 pm

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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by electricdruid Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:21 pm

What better way to start the day eh? Nice one! Cool
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by Westbone Sun May 01, 2011 2:31 am

Snapfish here in the UK do a good job.
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by DreamRaven Wed May 04, 2011 5:08 am


That looks cool...

Coupla questions
1. Can you actually read the print/type on the mug? From the photo it looks a little blurry, but it would be good to know how small type something like this can go down to
2. Did you layout the graphic, or is it from a magazine scan, or Westone advert? It is an interesting idea having a breakdown of your guitar to check whilst making coffee and strumming, in the sunshine on your deck, soaking up the summer sounds (who am I kidding, I live in the UK!)

I am investigating UK options to add to my merch output, CafePress being one option and SnapFish being another, but I am not going to do anything too niche (like specific guitars) as I have only sold two shirts and a few batches of stickers and plectrums, so storing fifty mugs is out of the question. I am thinking on doing westie logo on White, or black to start, and go from there. If anyone has requests, put 'em here and let's see what happens. It may just be best for people to do what Spidey did and get their own one offs. I might be able to get 'standard' mugs for cheaper, but people may prefer unique...

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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by corsair Wed May 04, 2011 10:42 am

DreamRaven wrote: as I have only sold two shirts and a few batches of stickers and plectrums, so storing fifty mugs is out of the question.

.. this is what Thorn found when he sounded people out about manufacturing spares, that a.) there was a heap of positive posting which didn't turn into all that many orders, and b.) having the parts made and then finding storage for them was an issue.

I am thinking on doing westie logo on White, or black to start, and go from there. If anyone has requests, put 'em here and let's see what happens. It may just be best for people to do what Spidey did and get their own one offs. I might be able to get 'standard' mugs for cheaper, but people may prefer unique...

If I thought I could have a unique one done at less than a kings ransom then that's the way I'd go; but a set of 6 in a standard pattern could well be attractive. That Snapfish web site is a paragon of easy-to-use design, I've got to say; even I found it easy to navigate about and get exactly what I wanted!!
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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by spidey2 Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:50 am

No can not read the writing the scan is from a member on here magazine scan.

DreamRaven wrote:Spider

That looks cool...

Coupla questions
1. Can you actually read the print/type on the mug? From the photo it looks a little blurry, but it would be good to know how small type something like this can go down to
2. Did you layout the graphic, or is it from a magazine scan, or Westone advert? It is an interesting idea having a breakdown of your guitar to check whilst making coffee and strumming, in the sunshine on your deck, soaking up the summer sounds (who am I kidding, I live in the UK!)

I am investigating UK options to add to my merch output, CafePress being one option and SnapFish being another, but I am not going to do anything too niche (like specific guitars) as I have only sold two shirts and a few batches of stickers and plectrums, so storing fifty mugs is out of the question. I am thinking on doing westie logo on White, or black to start, and go from there. If anyone has requests, put 'em here and let's see what happens. It may just be best for people to do what Spidey did and get their own one offs. I might be able to get 'standard' mugs for cheaper, but people may prefer unique...
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2011-02-24

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thunder - A hot cup of Thunder lol Empty Re: A hot cup of Thunder lol

Post by THEBARRON Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:55 pm

Thats cool, I want a red one!
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 95
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Registration date : 2010-04-11

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