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Westone Thunder II Bass- Version 3

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thunder - Westone Thunder II Bass- Version 3 Empty Westone Thunder II Bass- Version 3

Post by cass_davo1 Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:34 am

Version 3 (1983 on)

As shown in the 1983 catalogue.
Solid Maple body, 3-ply heelless built in Maple neck. Rosewood 22 fret fingerboard, bone nut. Shorter (32.25 inch) scale length.
2 Super Boomer I pickups, 3 way selector, master volume and two PEQ tone controls.
Heavy duty brass bridge, chrome hardware
Pearl silver

I inherited this bass , she is beautiful i have pictures on facebook or can email them.
Wanted to get a rough idea on price as she is quite rare.

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2011-03-06

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thunder - Westone Thunder II Bass- Version 3 Empty Re: Westone Thunder II Bass- Version 3

Post by Iceman Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:59 pm

cass_davo1 wrote:
Wanted to get a rough idea on price as she is quite rare.

Rarity itself I have found will not necessarily command "price" on this forum. As you spend time here you will come to realize (as I have) a pretty clear distinction between value (or worth) and $$$'s as far as your instrument is concerned. A better use of the idea of value would be to determine the amount of enjoyment your bass brings to you on an individual or personal level.

If you really want an idea of what your particular bass is worth "price-wise", my best advice is do more research online using auction prices paid after completion of sale as a guide. Prices fluctuate and seem to cycle up ( or down) based on many factors; condition, playability, age, "rarity", reputation, originality, etc.

It seems to me that most of the members here are less interested in "how much is mine worth ( to others ) but rather "how much is mine worth ( to me ).

More than one member here will probably agree that the price your example will command will be the price someone is willing to pay on that particular day.

I hope I've helped but I fear I may not have. One thing we all love here are pictures of our beautiful Westies so please share if you feel so inclined. A good post that helped me learn how is here.....

My avatar is the result.


Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Registration date : 2011-02-22

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thunder - Westone Thunder II Bass- Version 3 Empty Re: Westone Thunder II Bass- Version 3

Post by corsair Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:40 pm

Iceman wrote:
cass_davo1 wrote:
Wanted to get a rough idea on price as she is quite rare.

A better use of the idea of value would be to determine the amount of enjoyment your bass brings to you on an individual or personal level.

I'm not altogether sure that this particular sentiment has ever been quite so concisely stated; bravo!!!
Senior Member

Number of posts : 6334
Age : 65
Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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