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Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay)

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concord - Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay) Empty Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay)

Post by Annoying Twit Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:21 pm

I find it really annoying to see too many guitars and basses on ebay with really unrealistic starting bids, or massively overpriced postage. Just recently they seem to be coming on with much more sensible starting prices. E.g. this Concord I, starting bid £5, p&p £12. Bet it goes for a reasonable price in the end. Loads more like that recently.

Edit: Wait a second, three pickups. Doesn't that make it a Concord II? If so, my bad.

Edit: speak of the devil
Annoying Twit
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concord - Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay) Empty Re: Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay)

Post by bowenjaybee Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:24 am

Annoying Twit wrote:Edit: speak of the devil

I've owned 6 Thunder basses and have never paid over £130. As much as I love Thunder basses and as good as they are I think £450.00 is a joke.

So is the price of this Spectrum ST. Link
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concord - Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay) Empty Re: Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay)

Post by bowenjaybee Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:03 am

Looks like the seller of the Thunder bass was a member of post punk / new wave band "The Sound" (if anyone knew them) he's selling some of the bands other gear too including some master tapes and a Westbury guitar used by frontman Adrian Borland
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Location : Bradford, West Yorkshire . UK
Registration date : 2010-02-22

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concord - Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay) Empty Re: Yet another Westone with low starting bid & postage (Concord II, UK Ebay)

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