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westone concord basses: where are they?

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concord - westone concord basses: where are they? Empty westone concord basses: where are they?

Post by stuyvo Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:37 am

A friend of mine recently asked to purchase my westone concord II bass... I agreed on one condition (that its more of a loan of the bass than a sale) he didnt end up taking it... tho that made me rather happy Very Happy

but it got me to thinking, I own three westone basses (a thunder, a spectrum ST and the concord II) and though iv seen the other two pop up from time to time appart from mine iv NEVER seen a concord bass of any type for sale other than when I bought mine (and as many of you do im always searching/ebaying).

does anyone else have one? or have you seen any? are there not many around or whats the deal? its got me kinda confused.

concord - westone concord basses: where are they? West3dr7

I recognise some of the posters from other forums Razz due to recent online harassment im posting under a new screen name Very Happy
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-08-03

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concord - westone concord basses: where are they? Empty Re: westone concord basses: where are they?

Post by Guest Sun Aug 03, 2008 9:51 am

Hello Stuyvo and Welcome! Smile

I've seen a couple of the Concord basses go on eBay but not many, I'm not sure why they don't come up very often though.

I restored one last year for David from Westone.Info. It was in a pretty bad way when I started it but it came out quite nice in the end; David was pleased with it anyway!
Very Happy

Somebody here will be bound to shed some light onto why you don't see many of them up for sale.

:flower: :queen:

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concord - westone concord basses: where are they? Empty Re: westone concord basses: where are they?

Post by Old Gregg Sun Aug 10, 2008 10:49 pm

Hi stuyvo!

Funnily enough, the guy who I bought my Thunder 1A from (eBay user name "macpie-music") ....

concord - westone concord basses: where are they? WestoneThunder1Aredash1

...had an identical, black Concord bass to yours for sale (although I thought that model was the Concord 1 :?: ) a few months ago. It was a real corker too - immaculate! I got all nostalgiac seeing it, as the first bass that I ever played (it belonged to a friend) was a natural wood Concord 1 Wink .

One possible reason why you don't see as many around could be the shorter scale length. That was the reason that my first bass was a Thunder 1A and not a Concord - I wanted to get used to a "standard" 34" scale Neutral . Still for anyone with smaller hands, or anyone who isn't bothered by a tiny variation in scale length, the Concord series are a great quality budget bass.

It would be nice to see a few more here, you're right Wink !
Old Gregg
Old Gregg
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concord - westone concord basses: where are they? Empty Re: westone concord basses: where are they?

Post by colt933 Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:28 pm

Here's one on Ebay:

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concord - westone concord basses: where are they? Empty Re: westone concord basses: where are they?

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