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Granada what is this guitar?

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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty Granada what is this guitar?

Post by pawnbrokerbob Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:03 pm

Who has this style of Granada guitar and does anybody know about the back plate serial numbers?

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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty pics of guitar any info on it?

Post by pawnbrokerbob Sat Sep 11, 2010 7:05 pm


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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty Re: Granada what is this guitar?

Post by caucajun Sun Sep 12, 2010 9:02 pm

cannot see pics. No
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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty Re: Granada what is this guitar?

Post by anaerobe Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:22 pm

Right, can't see any pics. But I do have a Granada H/H LP, which is a mats-built (Canadian distribution brand), to the best of my knowledge. It is a LP clone which is exceedingly similar to the version put out by Westone.

Bound neck, chambered body - gorgeous maple top.

One of my best sounding guitars, now running a Gibson 496r in the neck and a Custom 5 SD in the bridge...a pic of that guitar is my avatar!

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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty Re: Granada what is this guitar?

Post by colt933 Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:18 pm

anaerobe wrote:Right, can't see any pics. But I do have a Granada H/H LP, which is a mats-built (Canadian distribution brand), to the best of my knowledge. It is a LP clone which is exceedingly similar to the version put out by Westone.

Bound neck, chambered body - gorgeous maple top.

One of my best sounding guitars, now running a Gibson 496r in the neck and a Custom 5 SD in the bridge...a pic of that guitar is my avatar!


How does that Custom 5 treat you? I had one for a while and thought it sounded GREAT when I played by myself. But when I played with the band it got lost in the mix. I went back to the JB which I don't like as well but it punches through the mix.

SD recommends the JB and Jazz together. I got a Jazz bridge pickup and put it in the neck and it works GREAT with the JB in the bridge!
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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty Re: Granada what is this guitar?

Post by anaerobe Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:07 pm

Funny you should ask that... I do like the sound of the Custom 5. However, I was going to do something similar with a different p/u to give the guitar some "boost".
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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty Re: Granada what is this guitar?

Post by DuoFuzz Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:25 pm

I've used the Custom 5 in the bridge of a Epiphone korina Explorer. It's great with overdrive but it sounds quite dark and bass heavy on a clean channel, maybe it's something to do with the body mass in that guitar.

I prefer lower output p/up's like the SD Jazz and '59 sets these days, the Jazz bridge p/up is nice if you can get one. They sound sweet through a clean amp and still kick ass when the gain kicks in!


Last edited by DuoFuzz on Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : bad spelling!)
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guitar - Granada what is this guitar? Empty Re: Granada what is this guitar?

Post by anaerobe Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:16 pm

Yeh, I like the '59's too, they crop up often on the local market.

SB Jazz in the neck are a great choice. That said, its fun to pick one guitar and set it up hot - when you get tired of that, go back to something that doesn't need tons of overdrive to work.

Still waiting for that pic... those are rare (Mats) birds...
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