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Rainbow II - Leeds guitar shop

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guitar - Rainbow II - Leeds guitar shop Empty Rainbow II - Leeds guitar shop

Post by bowenjaybee Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:28 pm

Found this Rainbow II on Northern Guitars, Leeds website.... £375

Looks like a 82-83 version

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guitar - Rainbow II - Leeds guitar shop Empty Re: Rainbow II - Leeds guitar shop

Post by Westbone Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:38 pm

Look at the stop tailpiece. It's been replaced and filed down at the top 'hook' and bottom. The swiftlock is a smaller stud spacing than normal les paul types. Apart from that it looks OK. Doesn't look out of place. There's been a few post regarding replacing the stop bar, as they seem to have a weak point(if bashed) at the fifth(A) string and B string, seem to split and break. Looks like a good repair, better than no guitar strings at all.
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