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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by luckyteghan Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:20 pm

my mint guitar was bought by my mom the year it came out and has only been played a few times by me learning cords

SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today 100_0314
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2009-09-05

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by luckyteghan Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:31 pm

Please help me get word about this guitar out really need the money
and want it to go to a good home
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Administrator Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:56 am

Please just put the guitar on Ebay already...
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Guest Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:13 am

I have my doubts that it will be on ebay based on previous interactions.

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by luckyteghan Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:36 pm

its goin up now starting at .99
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty link to my guitar

Post by luckyteghan Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:50 pm
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by norfolkngood Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:27 pm

Over to the US members... you wanted it on ebay...
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by luckyteghan Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:38 pm

will ship anywhere
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Westbone Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:09 pm

Hello, Give us a buy price?????????????? now.
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by luckyteghan Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:15 pm

make offers
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by luckyteghan Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:15 pm

been offered 750 plus shipping
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 27
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Racing Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:58 pm

Then i guess u just sold an old guitar. affraid
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by hoax Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:51 pm

luckyteghan wrote:make offers

Am I reading this right? You have put it on Ebay, you have 8 bids and your still looking for offers? Or do you mean bids? If you really mean offers, does that mean you are going to withdraw it from Ebay having wasted the time of all of the bidders so far?

You are a "Westone Nut" with 20 odd posts - but all the one subject - You selling a guitar and you have already reneged on an agreement to sell to a fellow member (allegedly).

No offence, but I wouldn't buy from you as I am a bit more old fashioned in terms of the way I conduct myself, and I expect similar values from those I deal with.

If I have got this all wrong, please let me know and I will apologise.

Last edited by hoax on Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by THEBARRON Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:57 am

Good call Hoax!
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by silence86 Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:25 am

Good call Hoax!

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Westbone Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:41 am

Nice one Hoax, tell 'em the way it is.
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Guest Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:20 am

luckyteghan wrote:been offered 750 plus shipping

Sounds like fraud in my opinion.

Unless you edit your Ebay listing to say "I may honor the highest bidder, or I may not if I get a better offer outside Ebay, so please bid a lot and I'll let you know after you have entered your credit card information, have the card charged, and then I sell the guitar to someone else."

I feel bad for the next person to get burned by this deal.

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Barry Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:53 am

I'm fed up hearing about luckyteghan and his "deals".
Man, you are either a sad and completely naïve little rocker, or you're a out and out crook.

You have an extremely desirable instrument which many collectors here would be happy to buy from you at a fair price. But you've now not only alienated these fine people, you're reneging on agreements, you're making up stories, messing with bidders in a legitimate auction, and you're generally making a fool of yourself and the entire process.

In short, you've managed to lose the trust of everybody you've contacted.
I wish you well. Now go away!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Guitar10
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by bowenjaybee Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:28 am

wants the guitar to go to a good home hahaha ...pure greed if you ask me .... he has zero feedbacks too I bet he doesn't even know that ebay take 10% from final sales so he will be in for a shock.. very unsporting behaviour I say!
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Westbone Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:13 pm

Checked out the 0% feedback at once, makes you wonder. I would never buy from a 0%er, unless I collected.
Not at $750 +.

Last edited by Westbone on Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by Warrn Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:38 pm

He claims he really needs the money and yet he joined the forum just to sell this one guitar almost a whole year ago. Somehow I don't think he needs the money all that much.

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty ok wow guys

Post by luckyteghan Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:21 pm

what the heck i have never been to a forum where everyone was this rude and unhelpfull and not understanding just because when i was trying to sell my moms guitar alot of bad things happend i needed the money before for college then my mom started getting worse so i didnt go to college so i could take care of her there for i didnt sell it. i never once said i was for sure selling it to whoever said i was. i was just taking offers. then my mom died and i didnt have anything and neither did she after all the bills with her gone i was alone ok i had a job for awhile but i live in a town with 500 or so people and they couldnt aford to keep me on i spent the little savings i had on last months rent im just trying to get enough for a few months f*cking rent it was 1200 mint in 1986 so still mint it should be close to that being its old and same condition. and thats 2-3 month of somewhere to live. if thats being greedy then sorry im having a wrough time and i dont need you guys poop trying to rip me off so u guys can make money selling it. someone who wants it will pay what its worth . but its the only thing of my moms i have so its worth alot to me ok. you guys have no idea what the hell i been through in my life to tell me im flump greedy
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by hoax Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:53 pm

I am not aware that I have been rude to you. I have been honest. I am sorry if your personal circumstances are difficult and I can understand that you may need money at present. The fact is that there are certain rules of etiquet in all areas of life.

Many of the people on this forum are mature people who have made mistakes in their youth and learned from them. They have realised that "what goes round comes round" In other words, if you display, honour, dignity and decency to your fellow human beings, then there is a fair chance you will receive the same in return. If on the other hand, you choose not to honour your word, treat others deceitfully or disrespectfully, then there is also a fair chance that you too will receive similar treatment.

Regardless of whether or not you had any binding agreement with anyone on this forum, it is simply not acceptable to put an item up for auction and then to hawk your item around outwith the auction. If that is what you have been doing, I have little respect for you. If it is not, then as I already said, you have my apologies.


Last edited by hoax on Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by corsair Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:54 pm

OK. I reckon everyone needs to chill a little. I've PM'ed luckyteghan explaining a few things but I don't want to stop the free flow of information by locking the thread, so lets all see what happens before launching attacks on what could be construed as perfectly reasonable comments, alright?

I've only just got back from the UK, would someone PM me and tell me what's going on here? I seem to be missing something...

Thank you, Graham; nicely put!

Last edited by corsair on Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : addition)
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by luckyteghan Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:42 pm

hoax wrote:I am not aware that I have been rude to you. I have been honest. I am sorry if your personal circumstances are difficult and I can understand that you may need money at present. The fact is that there are certain rules of etiquet in all areas of life.

Many of the people on this forum are mature people who have made mistakes in their youth and learned from them. They have realised that "what goes round comes round" In other words, if you display, honour, dignity and decency to your fellow human beings, then there is a fair chance you will receive the same in return. If on the other hand, you choose not to honour your word, treat others deceitfully or disrespectfully, then there is also a fair chance that you too will receive similar treatment.

Regardless of whether or not you had any binding agreement with anyone on this forum, it is simply not acceptable to put an item up for auction and then to hawk your item around outwith the auction. If that is what you have been doing, I have little respect for you. If it is not, then as I already said, you have my apologies.

well sorry i didnt mean anyone to think i was doing that i was just trying to let the most people i could know about it to get a good price on ebay nothing else... and i wasnt disrespectfull or not decent in anyway till there was 2 pages of hate messages on here pretty much.... im sorry im over it. but i cant believe the world has come to this
Westone Nut

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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

Post by corsair Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:55 pm

Right-o; that's enough on this, I feel. Teghan; you're attacking folk who could have - and certainly would have - been beneficial to you in your sale and this forum isn't the place for that.

A member here was under the impression that a sale had been made subject to some conditions being met and was ignored, either wilfully or not, at the eleventh hour. Any criticism implied herein after that is justified for the reasons I tried to explain to you in PMs, so I can only assume that you are not interested in redressing the situation and will lock the thread.
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SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today Empty Re: SELLING WESTONE X390 Caspian Blue on ebay today

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