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Fret crowning with a chisel

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Fret crowning with a chisel Empty Fret crowning with a chisel

Post by hoax Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:15 pm

I tried this yesterday and it works.

To restore the crown to your frets after levelling, just run a sharp wood chisel at a 45 degree angle a few times along both side of the fret. I used an old credit card to protect the fingerboard.

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Fret crowning with a chisel Empty Re: Fret crowning with a chisel

Post by Racing Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:28 pm

I believe ya.
The idea is really to form a fresh "minimal point" for the string to work from.
How you reach that is not the issue really.

Altho i presume a fretfile does a more neat job of it.. What a Face
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