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Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by norfolkngood Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:37 pm

Admin or Polly... something's missing!

What's happened to the list of guitars for sale, Ebay links etc? I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms here What a Face
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by DreamRaven Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:27 pm

You mean this?

Been there the whole time, no?

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by norfolkngood Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:51 pm


It's back now but the list of forums on screen went from "wanted" to "members' Westones." I've been thinking that maybe there's room for a Fender in my life, so I'll put it down to a warning from the Matsumoku gods!
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Guest Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:20 pm

I noticed it was not listed yesterday as well. Once I signed in it was there so just a temporary glitch I assume.

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by corsair Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:33 am

norfolkngood wrote: I've been thinking that maybe there's room for a Fender in my life,

Of course there is!! I'm betting most have had or still have a Fender of some sort!!
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Administrator Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:09 am

Hi folks,
The for sale forum went members only the other day. If I could I would make it invisible to members with less that 20 posts to stop people just registering to post their ebay auctions.
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by THEBARRON Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:13 am

Good call Admin,
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Frenchy Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:41 am

Makes a lot of sense admin.... sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Icon_idea

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by corsair Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:52 am

Good work; boy, do I have a lot to learn!!! sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Icon_biggrin
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Guest Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:19 pm

Struck me as a bit surreal, the ebay/for sales forum has been made invisible to stop people posting about things for sale on ebay....

Quite possibly I just don't see the problem - looking at who has started threads there over the last few months, it seems that two people per month make their first (And sometimes only) posts there. Sometimes three per month. I don't see how that's a problem.

I can see a couple of problems with making it invisible to anyone who isn't signed in. The vast majority of forum users are not registered. If you look at the figures at the bottom of the front page, there are typically four to five times more unregistered users than registered ones at any given time - people who are just reading for information, and this is cutting off a potentially valuable source for them.

It may have a knock-on effect on people who post about wanting particular guitars, like the X390/350, Prestige 250 etc. They will be far less likely to get replies if people can't see their posts - the vast majority of Westones are owned by non-members.

Add to that it may be self defeating - I think it's likely that the two or three people a month who just join to post about selling their guitars will just do it anyway, either in the general forum or the ebay one if they spot it..

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Barry Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:54 pm

Sorry Neil, I would tend to agree with Thorn on this one. Neutral

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Administrator Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:34 pm

I'm afraid I do not agree at all.

The eBay/for sale forum is a place to give a "heads up" to existing members to interesting guitars they come across, or cherished guitars that they wish to try selling privately to their fellow enthusiasts. I really couldn't care less if someone who can't be bothered to join the forums misses out on a great bargain spotted by a regular member. If they want to see the goodies then they should register and say hello.

The Wanted forum is not restricted to members only - precisely because i wanted non-members to see those posts and encourage them to join.

The one or two people who register to post Westone guitars may still register, which is fine, it's all the ones you don't get to see who are the problem. Not only that, but if someone registers to post their eBay item we've probably already seen it.

On another guitar forum that I post on, only members who have over 50 posts can see the sale and wanted forums, and what has developed there is an excellent trading post for enthusiasts, with pretty much everyone knowing and trusting who they are trading with. Members often openly offer items for free to each other - such as bridges, pickups, etc just because they have built up a rapport.

Anyway, it's all rather moot as I am officially giving up being the admin of these forums, so if the new Mods/Owners agree with you then it'll be changed back! :-).
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Guest Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:04 pm

Noisemag wrote:I'm afraid I do not agree at all.

The eBay/for sale forum is a place to give a "heads up" to existing members to interesting guitars they come across, or cherished guitars that they wish to try selling privately to their fellow enthusiasts. I really couldn't care less if someone who can't be bothered to join the forums misses out on a great bargain spotted by a regular member. If they want to see the goodies then they should register and say hello.

It might help if they had any way of knowing there was a hidden forum - when I'm not signed in, there's no sign that there is a members only bit, never mind any hint as to what it contains.

The thought of a members only forum - which would (As shown by the three cases this week of 'not as described' guitars on ebay) be very useful to general non registered member forum browsers - where only registered, signed in members can see the goodies, or the warning signs of what to avoid,is anathema to me. Possibly that's just me, since I've done a site for the benefit of absolutely anyone with any interest in Westones, however passing or ephemeral. Probably colours my judgement somewhat, I just can't imagine making any part of that an exclusive members only club.

Then again, it might be the figures... by the time you're on page four of the member list, you're on people who have not logged into the forums for over 6 months. If you have figures on the last time anyone posted, there's maybe... guessing here, 12 to 15 regular posters?
Personally, I can't see the point in posting heads ups or warnings for so few people. Caveat emptor.

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by bowenjaybee Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:44 pm

such a strange debate coming from the Westone info site man and the Westone forum admin.................. So why don't you both keep your Westone knowledge to yourselves keep it all private then no one else would know about these great guitars and you could both have the biggest collection of Westones in the world... just a thought!
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by norfolkngood Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:15 pm

... and also two of the most knowledgeable people on here, whose posts (and Thorn's site) have been invaluable to me.

Having kicked this thread off I've been sitting on the fence.

If I happen to visit the site from work whilst stuffing my face at lunchtime, I don't log in. Hence the original post when the thread didn't appear. My home computer automatically logs me in under my user name so the for sale + ebay forum appears.

Having seen some of the recent posts about mis-described Westones on UK ebay and the unauthorised use of photos from the site. I go with keeping the thread open to all. Having said that, my real worry is that there looks to be a bigger issue if people are falling out on here. I'm a member of a few other forums, mainly guitars or cars, and I've seen too many sites go wonky when members start arguing.

I thought acoustic players were gentle souls until someone was called a "troll" on the Washburn forums. Jee-sus, it was "my other hobby involves a range and .45 ammo and best you take that back... y'all."

I guess Polly has stood down as mod so we could be mod-less and admin-less, unless you guys know something I don't? It's not worth the grief guys, can we move on... please?


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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Administrator Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:31 pm

Well we could go round in circles all night with this... The forum will never expand if there is no good reason to register, and if people who could make a contribution, however small, don't bother then eventually the forum will just die out. It's not about creating exclusivity, it's about creating a community of westone fans.

However, I take on board the comments about the dodgy eBay listings.

This site gets a lot of traffic, and the whole operation needs managing and improving, with regular updates from the admin and mods. This is an area where i have been lacking, and one of the reasons why i am giving up the role. Someone else needs to show the forum some love and attention.

Putting up a notice that there is a For Sale section is one among many that need to be done.

Anyway, as mentioned, I'm i now merely a caretaker of the technical side until someone with the skills steps up to the plate. I think Polly is taking a bit of time out from the forums, but luckily, our top man corsair is taking care of Mod duties (although if he's reading this he is probably having second thoughts!).

There is no problem with people falling out, at least as far as i am concerned. It's just a debate, and it's nice to see people get involved in it.

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by corsair Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:28 am

Hear hear! Thorn brings his experience of running a forum to the table and as such, his input is valued and valuable; that's not to say that everyone has to agree with him, as I'm sure he's happy with!! sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Icon_biggrin

As for the mod and Admin duties, I'm quite prepared to give it a shot and have in fact, as Neil says, thrown my hat into the ring. However, and this is a big one, I cannot, and possibly will not, do it on my own and would like for one or two of the other regular posters to lend a hand as a mod as well. There is someone else giving me a hand "behind the scenes" and I am most grateful for that, so all we need is a couple of 'someone elses' to help out and we can move forward from here; there is a question here, too, that if no-one does step up, then the forum will wither and die, as my family are moving about the world and there will be times in the not-too-distant future when I shall be out of touch for considerable amounts of time.... you have been warned!! sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Icon_smile

And lastly, Neil, well done for setting this up and hopefully you will still be around, not only in a technical capacity, but as a contributor to the ongoing Westone knowledge fund!! sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Icon_cheers
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Guest Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:03 am

As Neil said, there's no question of falling out here, it's just a debate. I'd be quite happy to see alternate viewpoints as well - I've done a bit of devils advocacy here, but no doubt there are things / other approaches I haven't thought of

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by caucajun Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:06 pm

smithology wrote: If they want to see the goodies then they should register and say hello.

that's what the "free porn " site said..............i ain't fallin' for THAT one.....again...... Embarassed

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Guest Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:53 pm

norfolkngood wrote:...

I guess Polly has stood down as mod so we could be mod-less and admin-less, unless you guys know something I don't? It's not worth the grief guys, can we move on... please?


Says Who????

I haven't stepped down or handed the reins over to anybody else, nor have I kicked the bucket either!

Reading through this thread I have to say that there are certain aspects which I agree and disagree with (and I'm not saying what's what, so there!) I did exactly the same as you did Roger, noticed something was missing when I wasn't logged in so I did the most logical thing and logged in!

Regarding the people who join the forums just to sell their unwanted guitars in the hope of making a fast buck by saving on eBay fees, really gets my back up. You may recall one such incident a while ago where I had politely informed a particular member, who had joined solely for that purpose, and who blatantly flouted the forum rules by refusing to conduct any private sales through the Private Messaging service. Instead of complying with the rules of the forum he hurled a barrage of insults at me for removing his post. Needless to say this member was removed from the forums and in my opinion, it was good riddance to bad rubbish! We can certainly do without that sort of member!

On a completely different note:
Does anyone happen to know why everything on here has reverted to HTML, or is it just my computer? Whatever it is, it's bloody annoying especially when I try to put smilies in because they all go to the the end of what I have written!

:queen: :flower:

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Barry Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:29 pm

Pollyanna wrote:...Does anyone happen to know why everything on here has reverted to HTML, or is it just my computer?...
I guess it's just you Pol, m'luv!
Check under your Profile / Preferences for the "Always allow BBCode :" setting. It should be checked "Yes".

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by DuoFuzz Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:01 pm

Hi Polly,

I had a problem with the HTML thing on my computer back in May, I asked members on the forum about it HERE but no one else seemed to be suffering with the same problem.

I don't think I did anything to fix it myself but it had corrected itself a month later with no further problems. I still have no idea how or why it happened, anyone out there got an idea. :?:

(BTW at the top of the page, under the header is the menu with options for Home, FAQ, Search... etc. Is it just me or is this line now offset to the left margin instead of being centred? Just thought I'd ask.)

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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Barry Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:36 pm

Dan, check my response to Polly above and see if the BBCode setting has anything to do with it.
Yes that command line menu has been left justified.
If all else fails...blame Corsair! Laughing

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by DuoFuzz Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:08 pm

Hi Barry,

I checked my BBCode preference and it is ticked "Yes", but I never changed any of my settings before or after the trouble I had back in May.

I don't know if Polly is having the exact same problem that was bugging me, all the text in my posts turned to HTML code in the editing window after I hit the "Preview" button. I haven't seen any code when I type up a post for months now, but if I add smilies to a post it still goes to the end of the last line just as Polly mentions? I had just put this down to me using Google Chrome as my browser but now I'm not so sure.

I shall point blame at Bill Gates door, Vista sucks! pirat


Last edited by DuoFuzz on Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fell asleep...Zzzzz!)
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by Barry Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:38 pm

If I'm understanding your problem correctly it may have something to do with the "Switch Editor Mode" command. Try punching the button on the far right of the command line in the editor to toggle code modes. (If the button is showing as "red" it's set wrong)

I found this little post in the PHPBB forum that seems to point to a bug in the software which upset the setting when using coloured text for some reason: LINK

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Guitar10
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sale - Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone? Empty Re: Where's the For Sale + Ebay list gone?

Post by corsair Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:48 am

I swear I haven't changed anything...... yet!! And yep; Polly is still the forums Dobermann - she's just been lurking with intent lately!! I am slowly - very slowly!! - getting to grips with this whole admin thing - thanks Neil!! - and I'm wondering what changes, if any, people may like to see in here that don't require too much pratting about with stuff that I'm still clueless about? I do have a guru that I can tap for info and Neil is still about too, so lets hear it folks; can we make this different but keep it the same... if you know what I mean?! Laughing

Bear in mind, though, that suggestions are just that.... Very Happy

Dan; yes, do!! Blame Gates for everything that's wrong with the world.. I do!! (All praise Steve Jobs!!) Laughing
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