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Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay

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BASS - Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay Empty Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay

Post by Annoying Twit Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:48 am

Tad overpriced, no?

Or does the black finish triple the price for some obscure reason I'm not familiar with.
Annoying Twit
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Number of posts : 267
Registration date : 2010-03-06

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BASS - Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay Empty Re: Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay

Post by corsair Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:23 am

Annoying Twit wrote:Or does the black finish triple the price for some obscure reason I'm not familiar with.

BASS - Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay Icon_lol BASS - Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay Icon_lol Yes. (3 of mine are black, so I bloody hope so!!) Seriously, no, I don't think so; in fact the opposite is more likely true in that some of the more obscure finishes would certainly make me more inclined to put my bidding shoes on... Barrys redburst Spectrum springs to mind... BASS - Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay Icon_biggrin
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BASS - Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay Empty Re: Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay

Post by Annoying Twit Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:42 am

What happened to the post on this thread that gave a link to where the same guitar had sold for £230 recently?
Annoying Twit
Senior Member

Number of posts : 267
Registration date : 2010-03-06

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BASS - Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay Empty Re: Thunder 1A bass for £350!!!! on UK Ebay

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