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Trem post problem

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Trem post problem Empty Trem post problem

Post by FarToMany Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:50 am

I have a Bendmaster deluxe on my '87 spectrum, the post inserts in the wood seem to be want to be pulled in towards the neck. When i got this, i disassembled the guitar for cleaning and shimmed some wood in there to make the inserts tight and strait again. Now less than a year later, its moving again. Any thoughts on a more permanent fix? It doesnt affect playability (other than having to reset intonation), but its annoying and im worried about any future damage.
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Trem post problem Empty Re: Trem post problem

Post by corsair Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:03 pm

G'day bro - good to see ya! I think what you're in for is taking the posts and the insert out, filling the hole with new wood and/or filler and redrilling the holes - nothing too onerous but you'll need to be really careful and precise with the redrilling! Take measurements from 3 known points on the top like the centre of the control knob spindles and triangulate the position of each one, and then be sure to drill the hole a little smaller than the steel insert that the post sits in - see; easy peasy!! Very Happy
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