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Sanding and painting

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Sanding and painting Empty Sanding and painting

Post by MarkW Sat Jun 14, 2008 12:25 am

So, I've got to the sanding and painting stage on the Spectrum ST.

At present I am working on the neck. I want to try and sand out all the nicks and dents on the back and refinish.
The tricky part is the front of the headstock... and how to keep the Westone logo in tact.

I'm assuming the logo is a transfer that sits between the clear laquer and the black paint. So I've smoothed off the laquer a bit with some 600 grit paper and the logo looks ok so far but the edges of the headstock are sanded down to the wood in places. (see below)

Sanding and painting Headstock-sanded

Ok, obviously I have to touch up the paint around the edges. The question is, how do I match the black?
It appears to be a semi-gloss or perhaps a matte black. And the clear laquer is of a similar low sheen.
Does anyone know exactly what type of paint finish the typical black Westone neck is?
I'm actually tempted to sand the neck right down to the wood - it's a nice maple grain.

Hmm ..decisions.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 20
Location : Auckland, New Zealand
Registration date : 2008-05-24

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Sanding and painting Empty Re: Sanding and painting

Post by corsair Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:13 am

Now, if you ask Polly - very, very nicely! - she'll tell you exactly what you need to do 'bout that!! As an aside, I had some custom decals for my strat project made by a fella in the UK and I can assure you, they are primo!! Very Happy

Sanding and painting Headst11
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Sanding and painting Empty Re: Sanding and painting

Post by Guest Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:27 am

corsair wrote:Now, if you ask Polly - very, very nicely! - she'll tell you exactly what you need to do 'bout that!!

Hi Mark, Smile

Looking good there mate!

It's a pity that you've sanded the top layer off the black though, it would have been easier to have touched it in using a satin finish car paint or similar. What I could suggest that you do is to scan the headstock as it is now with the logo intact, taking all necessary measurements of it first. I can put you in touch with the bloke who makes the logos and he would be able to make you a waterslide transfer of it. That way, you would then be able to completely sand it off and repaint it again. I can recommend him to do an excellent job for you and he always sends spare transfers and full instructions on how to apply them.

Other than that, try out different blacks until you can get a good match and clear coat the whole headstock with nitro-cellulose or a good quality lacquer. Try using a satin sheen finish as opposed to a high gloss finish though for a better result. If you decide to sand the neck back completely, you can finish it with the same clear coat, applying it in thin layers and fine sanding in between coats.

Hope this helps!
Very Happy

:flower: :queen:

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Sanding and painting Empty Re: Sanding and painting

Post by corsair Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:10 pm

Does anyone know exactly what type of paint finish the typical black Westone neck is?

..I have a feeling the better paint shops can analyse an actual paint chip and come up with an exact match? Take the neck to a few of the good paint shops and see if they can help...I've always found Resene very helpful! Smile
Senior Member

Number of posts : 6352
Age : 65
Location : Mount Hunter, NSW, Australia
Registration date : 2008-04-08

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