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WESTONE Corsair Ebay US

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Corsair - WESTONE Corsair Ebay US Empty WESTONE Corsair Ebay US

Post by boutjp97 Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:46 am

LINK Actually I think it is a Spectrum GT but not sure. It has the BM Deluxe trem instead of the Kahler and some hardware is in chrome instead of black. Also seller states that the body is not black like the pictures but a sandstone color. Also the pickups don't have covers and as few other odd things. Maybe an early Korean model using the left over Matsumoku parts? Anyway he stated that he will include the info I just listed and assures me the guitar is in great shape. May go pretty cheap and I know a few of you are watching it. He has a bunch of Matsumoku for sale, did one of us kick the bucket because he has 7 total westone / matsumokus for sale? Nice guy and seems very honest.
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