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Wanted neck pickup and knob for Pantera X750 bass

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Wanted neck pickup and knob for Pantera X750 bass Empty Wanted neck pickup and knob for Pantera X750 bass

Post by Paulll Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:37 am

Hi everybody!
I looking for this neck pickup for my bass Weston Pantera X750,

Wanted neck pickup and knob for Pantera X750 bass Pickup10

and this knob I needs too.

Wanted neck pickup and knob for Pantera X750 bass Knob10

If someone have it and wold like to sell, please let me know.

UPD: The pickup I ready to buy in any condition. It does not matter, it work or not.
UPD2: The pickup is found and purchased. So now I need only knob.

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2017-06-18

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